Versatile Restaurant Equipment

Posted on: 27 May 2022

The use of versatile restaurant equipment will free up space within the kitchen and allow a menu to be modified as desired. A steamer and an egg station are two pieces of equipment that use concentrated heat. These pieces of equipment will support the cooking of vegetables, proteins, and starches.

Less Exposure

When a chef uses a stovetop or another uncovered cooking unit, they are risking food becoming contaminated. Pots and pans that are left out in the open could tip over, leading to food waste. A steamer and an egg station each contain a fully-enclosed cooking unit. While food is cooking, a chef can view the ingredients without needing to handle them.

A fully-contained cooking unit may support the use of multiple racks and trays. Multiple dishes can be cooked at the same time. A steamer that contains a warming feature will allow foods to be kept at a consistent temperature.

If a chef decides to prepare a large platter of vegetables or meat, they can essentially leave the tray of food within the steamer for several hours. This will provide the option of serving the same dish throughout the day and evening, without needing to reheat products or transfer them from a cooking unit to a refrigerator or freezer.


A well-rounded menu may feature cultural dishes, American classics, and a variety of specials that are rotated frequently. A steamer and an egg station can each be used to prepare countless dishes. A steamer can be used to sear proteins, steam fresh clams and other seafood, or cook vegetables and starches.

The deep-pocketed trays that some steamers include will allow a chef to prepare large batches of food that are going to be served as a main course. An egg station can be used to prepare scrambled eggs, omelets, poached eggs, bacon, sausage, and a variety of other breakfast foods.

Ease Of Use

A steamer may have stackable shelves and interior lighting. A steamer may be constructed of stainless steel and contain multiple access points. Some steamer models may feature cabinetry, which will allow for the storage of cutlery, dishes, and other essentials that will be used while cooking food.

An egg station may consist of multiple cooking levels that all use direct heat. Pans or trays can be placed directly on to of each direct heat source. An egg station may contain a control panel, which will allow a chef to modify the temperature that foods are cooked at.

For more information on commercial restaurant equipment, contact a professional near you.


Sharing My Love for Food and Cooking

Welcome to my website. I am Felicity Perez. I launched this site in an effort to share my lifelong passion for food and cooking. When I was a youngster, I had a chance to prep all the food for our dinners each night. This opportunity helped me develop deep respect for the effort it takes to transform raw food into delicious meals. I have learned many techniques over the years that I want to share with my readers. I invite you all to come to my site any time you want to learn about food and cooking. Thank you for your time.


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