Is Your Church Having An Easter Sunrise Service Followed By A Breakfast?

Posted on: 4 March 2019

Doesn't it feel like you just celebrated Christmas? Even so, Easter Sunday is just a few weeks away. If your church is having an Easter sunrise service with a breakfast for those who attend as part of the agenda, your ecclesiastic leader is more than likely looking for helpers. After all, he or she is probably working hard on giving an inspiring message and arranging for special music for the service. It stands to reason that help will be needed for the breakfast portion of the morning. From making arrangements to purchase wholesale waffle dough to choosing your menu, here are some ideas that might help you:

Buy Wholesale Waffle Dough

Is your Easter sunrise service traditionally attended by many people? If so, one of your smartest moves might be buying wholesale waffle dough. Not only will you probably save some money by doing that, but you'll end up with easy-to-use batter to make exceptionally delicious waffles or pancakes. Do you have a committee that is planning the breakfast? If so, think of asking one person to be in charge of doing all of the purchasing. Think of how much easier that will be to keep track of things like receipts, and to make sure that everything on the list is covered. 

If you do go with buying wholesale waffle dough, the business where you purchase it will be happy to tell you how much dough you need to buy. Give the clerk at least an approximate number of people who will be eating at your sunrise service breakfast, and he or she will have the experience to know how to direct you on your purchase. Remember to buy extra, just in case your group ends up taking waffle meals to shut-ins who weren't able to attend your event.

Add To The Menu

Of course, you could add things like bacon or sausage to your waffle breakfast menu, and that would be delicious. However, if you plan things right, just serving waffles will more than likely be all you need to plan. For example, offering different flavors of syrups along with whipped cream will be a great choice. Another idea is to have things like strawberries and blueberries to add to the waffles. If you still want meat represented, commercially-produced bacon bits could be another topping choice.

Think of the drinks you want to offer, too. Consider cartons of juice or milk, which will be easy to distribute. 


Sharing My Love for Food and Cooking

Welcome to my website. I am Felicity Perez. I launched this site in an effort to share my lifelong passion for food and cooking. When I was a youngster, I had a chance to prep all the food for our dinners each night. This opportunity helped me develop deep respect for the effort it takes to transform raw food into delicious meals. I have learned many techniques over the years that I want to share with my readers. I invite you all to come to my site any time you want to learn about food and cooking. Thank you for your time.


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